Hi, I’m Aayush.
I am an MS CS student with an avid interest in AI and DBMS.

Aayush Acharya in a suit



  • Cross Border Request to Pay

    Constructed secure, digitally signed messages using the ISO20022 financial standard to protect the integrity of transactions, leveraging RabbitMQ's asynchronous messaging for efficient and reliable communication between system components. Established robust CI/CD pipelines, automating integration and deployment for faster time-to-market and improved development efficiency. Spearheaded the design and implementation of independent execution threads in Go, optimizing performance and scalability.

  • HMS with Sepsis predictive models

    Developed a cutting-edge healthcare management product revolutionizing patient allocation across hospitals, wards, and beds. Leveraged comprehensive patient data, including demographics and EMR records, to build predictive models for early sepsis detection. Integrated sepsis prediction algorithms to enhance patient safety, enabling timely intervention and treatment. Spearheaded the creation of robust task assignment functionalities, including checklists and vital measurements, ensuring efficient healthcare workflows.

  • Static site generator

    Engineered a serverless static site generator (SSG) in GCP, leveraging robust infrastructure. Implemented efficient templating with Go syntax for dynamic content injection. Enabled seamless publishing with a serverless architecture, utilizing App Engine and Pub/Sub with Cloud Functions. Streamlined site creation, injection, and deployment for optimal efficiency.

  • ASR and Classification of Nepali Speech

    An integrated ASR and NLP system that generates transcripts and relevant category for a given Nepali audio using a combination of self-supervised wav2vec2 model and CTC along with BERT based MuRIL model for Indic languages for further categorization into relevant categories like Sports, Politics, etc.

  • Pest Classification using Deep Learning

    A cross platform mobile application tailored for farmers to identify pests infesting their yield, and suggesting the appropriate biological control method. It consists of a TensorFlow model built with VGG-19 and made suitable for deployment on mobile devices using TensorFlow Lite Converter.

  • Campus Online Attendance System​

    A web-based attendance system for college developed using Node.js for backend, React for frontend and MySQL for database.

  • Deep Learning based Facial Recognition

    A system built using OpenCV and TensorFlow with the help of VGG-16 model and uses Siamese network for face classification. Designed to take classroom attendance in bulk.

  • E-Kisaan​

    A web application built using Node.js meant to promote urban farming and provide a platform for buying and selling of urban farming products. ​It was awarded as the winning product in LOCUS Hack a week 2020.

  • OpenGL based Ranipokhari 3D Simulation

    3D simulation of Ranipokhari programmed using OpenGL and designed using Blender with proper lighting effects, camera movement and water simulation.

  • Sky Bomber

    You are the only remaining pilot of a fighter jet assigned to obliterate everything and anything within your sight. Apply your projectile motion wits and be as accurate as possible while throwing the missiles. But beware ! The fuel is running low.

  • Flood Alert System

    Flood alert system utilizes radio waves to send flood alerts based on the depth of water sources. The depth of the water is measured utilizing the ultrasonic technology and alerts are sent through receiver transmitter setup.

  • Sudoku solver

    A simple Sudoku solver in C using depth first backtracking algorithm.


Get in touch 👋

Feel free to email me about anything. Want some advice? Give some feedback?

You can also reach me around the web: GitHub, Twitter, Instagram